When you look at the amount of people using the internet it will become clear to you that having a website is a must. Most people are accessing the internet via their phones so building your website for mobile users first is crucial. There is nothing more irritating than a website that is unresponsive and not mobile friendly.

Website Design

  • WordPress standard website
  • WordPress E-commerce website
  • Custom designs
  • Mobile friendly
  • Content optimization
  • Customized functionalities
Website Design Services

Here’s why having a website

is a MUST

  • Websites improve your brand’s visibility
  • It builds trust and credibility
  • It’s a platform where you can showcase all your products and promote your products/ services
  • Offers an opportunity to compete with industry leaders and competitors
  • It establishes your position in your industry online.
  • Your website can attract potential and new customers
Mobile Friendly
Easy to Manage
Full Ownership
Google Integrations


WordPress Website Design

WordPress is a content management platform where websites are built on. Our websites consist of customized website designs that’s mobile friendly and responsive. We believe in training our customers to manage their websites and giving them full access to their websites.

This is what you get
- Responsive Design
- Standard SEO
- Customized functionalities
- Mobile Friendly Design
- Google Integrations
- Website training

eCommerce Website Design

eCommerce websites are popping up left and right, and it is now the time to stay on top of your competitors. Start selling your products online today. The perks of having an eCommerce website: - You are open 24/7. - You can sell your products anywhere in the world. - You can accept payments from anywhere in the world. - You can build a loyal customer base.

This is what you get
- Responsive Design
- eCommerce SEO
- Customized functionalities
- Mobile Friendly Design
- Google Integrations


This depends on the company that you use and your business needs. Customers don’t always understand the knowledge behind building a website, it is one thing to get your website up and running, but to get it seen by the right people is something else. Building and setting up an ecommerce store can cost your around R 5000 – R 20 000 and sometimes more, depending on your needs.

The South African eCommerce market is rapidly growing. If you take Woolworths, Checkers, Pick and Pay, Edgars, Mr Price all those stores are now training online and in-store. Businesstech claimed that new data from FNB Merchant Services showed that the South African E-Commerce market is estimated just under E 200 billion per annum.

An eCommerce site, also know as an online shop, is where you sell your services, goods or digital products on the internet. There are various types of e-Commerce stores available that you can use to your benefit such as a business-to-business store, a Business to Consumers store or a Consumer-to-Consumer store.

There are various platforms that you can use for an online store, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Well known eCommerce platforms include Magneto, Shopify and WooCommerce. It is important to know the ins and outs of all these platforms before making a choice. For example, if you want to build a website and it is important for you to own the website, then Shopify is probably not the ideal platform. In terms of managing your own website, WordPress would be the better fit. Do your research if you have preferences before making a decision on a platform, or alternatively call a professional to get their opinion.